Make your business stand out.

Choosing Action over Inspiration is the way to get ahead
— Neal Phalora

Take advantage of Neal’s 25 year background in sales, business development, branding, and leadership. One of Neal’s super powers is to align teams and create new ideas… ultimately leading to increased revenue!

Your business has to be healthy from the inside. Over and over, I saw the same dis-ease in the board room of all over the United States and aboard. Team misalignment, challenging company culture, and no clear vision burdened companies.

Too often, a company will buy into a marketing or branding strategy without doing the deep work first. Jumping from solution to solution frustrated by mediocre results.

Whether looking to do this as a VIP day, or for the members of your leadership team, this can be a place of shared genius for all. When your team is aligned and can tell the story about your mission and products - this is change! It means a better pipeline, impactful marketing, and more sales.

My approach is swift, fierce, and impactful with an absolute focus on action over inspiration.